Upon entry at Duality Pole Dancing Studio, you’ll be asked to sign a compulsory waiver prior to starting any class, irrespective of the course or open practice time you’re attending. You will not be permitted to engage in any activity without signing this form.
Prior to my engagement with Duality Pole, I acknowledge that:
01. Exchange & Refund Policy
Duality is unable to give refunds, exchange or transfer credits to future terms for any reason, including but not limited to illness, injury, pregnancy, relocation or change of mind or situation. By clicking enrol within the ClassManager portal, this confirms your booking and you are agreeing to our full terms and conditions. Upon successful enrolment, you are committed to the courses as selected. Any modifications or cancellations will not be permitted once the enrolment process (receiving an invoice for selected classes) is complete. You are liable to the full amount invoiced. We allow transfers to other classes within the same season, or transfers to another person within the same season, limited to class availability and level. This must be completed prior to Sunday of Week 1 of the season.
All private lessons must be cancelled with no less than 24 hours notice from the start time. If 24 hours notice is not given, 100% fee will be charged.
02. Payment & Deposit
Upon enrolling, a third or half amount of the full course fee must be paid as a deposit. Full payment must be by Sunday of week 1 of the season. This deposit is non-refundable should you cancel or withdraw from the course or class for any reason. After the season has begun, all points in acknowledgement 01 apply.
Deposit payments must be made within 48 hours of booking your class(es). If you have booked into multiple classes (2 or more) this deposit is spread across all classes. If you’re to withdraw out of a class prior to the season commencing, your deposit will be held for this class. If you withdraw after the start date (Monday, Week 1), the full fee will be held. You are liable to the full amount invoiced. We understand circumstances change, but we ask that you do not book into classes without the intention of coming, or withdraw with the intended notice. We offer payment plans should you need to utalise one.
Workshop payments must be made in full within 24 hours of receiving your invoice. Workshops are non-refundable. Cancellation, refunds or credits will not be accepted. You are liable to the full amount invoiced.
03. Make-up classes
All catch up or make up classes must be completed within the season, no exceptions allowed as per acknowledgement 01. These make up classes are not assured, and priority is granted to enrolled, then casual students. If you’re unable to attend your class, it must be marked 4 hours before to be granted a catch up class. If you do not show up for your allocated catch up class, you will forfeit the credit.
04. Timetable
Duality Pole Dancing Studio reserves the right to change or cancel a scheduled class within any season, or workshop or private class, at any time. All clients affected by this change will be notified via phone and email if this is to occur. If a class is to be cancelled by Duality Pole Dancing Studio, the client is eligible for a credit or refund towards a future term.
If Duality Pole Dancing Studio is ordered to temporarily cease operation because of State or National legislation, the season will pause and re-commence once the legislation has been lifted. No refunds or credits will be granted. If the client can not travel or is restricted from attending because of State or National legislation, the client will be provided with a credit for a maximum of 2 weeks, and must be supported by proof of address.
05. Damages and personal belongings
The client will be liable for any damages made to the studio space, the equipment within, the bathrooms, merchandise or building and signage.
Duality Pole Dancing Studio’s owners and instructors are not responsible for the loss or damage of client’s personal belongings while they are on or near the premises.
06. Behaviour
Duality Pole Dancing Studio reserves the right to ask clients to vacate the premises, without credit, if they are engaging in dangerous, disruptive or disrespectful behaviour, or putting themselves or others at risk physically or emotionally. This includes but is not limited to intoxication due to alcohol, legal or illicit drug use.
07. Injury
In attending our classes, we trust that you are in good health condition and that you know of no medical or other reason why you cannot or should not engage on active or passive exercise. Our staff and contractors are not medically trained or qualified to assess if you are in good physical condition and can exercise without risking your health, safety or comfort. If you have any doubts, we strongly urge you to seek expert advice before starting classes with us. By signing-up to a Duality Pole Dancing Studio class you acknowledge and agree that classes may be physically strenuous and that you voluntarily participate. You also acknowledge and agree that there is risk of personal injury, including but not limited to cuts, bruises, muscle injuries, dislocations and broken bones. You agree that neither you nor your heirs, assigns or legal representatives will sue or make any other claims of any kind whatsoever against Duality Pole Dancing Studio, your instructor, or its members for any personal injury, property damage/loss, or wrongful death, whether caused by negligence or otherwise.
Waiver: You understand there are specific risks of physical or property damages, losses, or injury that may result from your participation with Duality Pole Dancing Studio classes, and you voluntarily assume the risks associated with such participation.
08. Intellectual property
All routines, curriculum, creative design and concepts, events, merchandise and graphics and iconography remain the intellectual property of Duality Pole Dancing Studio and can not be replicated.. Students are welcome to use their phones to film themselves during class, however students are not permitted to film instructors without prior permission and consent.
09. Medically fit
Because of the physicality of classes at Duality Pole Dancing Studio, you’re responsible for ensuring that you are medically fit to participate in the class. Should you have a pre-existing medical condition we advise that you consult with your physician prior to enrolling for medical clearance. Instructors at Duality Pole Dancing Studio are not medically trained and will not give advise for personal situations.
Please flag all injuries, illnesses and pre-existing conditions with your instructors prior to class starting, provided you have written clearance from you physician, as we do not exchange or refund classes for medical reasons.
10. Safety in practice and class time
Duality Pole Dancing Studio takes the safety of its clients, instructors and owners seriously. During class, workshops and practice time, clients must not teach other clients movements on their own accord. Movements are to be taught only by Duality pole Dancing Studio’s owners and instructors. Anyone found breaching this rule will be asked to leave immediately.
11. Age limits
Clients must be over 18 years to participate in classes, workshops and one off classes.
12. Covid-19
The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has been declared world-wide pandemic by the World Health Organisation. COVID-19 is extremely contagious. We, Duality Pole, have put in place all in necessary preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19; however, Duality Pole and its staff cannot guarantee your safety against the disease, as is a risk in any public place.
By coming to class, you acknowledge the risk you are taking in participating in fitness in a shared space.
To participate in 2022, we require you to be fully vaccinated, with two shots of any vaccination available in Australia - to reduce the risk of spreading the virus within our community.
If you contract the virus, you must tell the owners of Duality Pole Studio. Your identity will be kept confidential.
If there is to be a positive case in the studio, the class will be notified as casual contacts and are advised to do a RAT test as directed by the government for fully vaccinated individuals. Any missed classes in this time will have catch up classes available throughout the 8 week term.
If you contract covid, or are a close contact and need to isolate for 7 days, any missed classes in this time will have catch up classes available throughout the 8 week term.
If you have any symptoms of covid, please stay home. If your temperature is over a safe limit, you will be asked to go home. Catch up classes will be granted for both of these occasions.
If Duality Pole is forced to close through government mandate or absence of teaching staff, the season will recommence as soon as we are legally allowed to reopen.
The safety of our owners, staff, clients and their families is priority at Duality. Please ensure you are considerate to all of these people prior to every class you participate in.
- This promotion only applies to sign ups from individuals who have never attended a class at Duality Pole Dancing Studio.
- Only valid for sign ups for a full 8 week season.
- Referee must email the referral's full name to intrigued@dualitypole.com before the end of week 1 of the season the referee has signed up for to be eligible.
- Credit is valid for classes at Duality Pole during the same season as the referee signed up, or the next consecutive season only. Unused credits will be forfeited if not used within this timeframe.
- Credits cannot be used for practice time, merchandise, workshops, lockers, overdue/no show fines or refunded for cash.
- Referral credit will be applied to your classmanager account only once full fees are paid by the referee. If the referee fails to pay their fees in full no credit will be issued.
- Credits cannot be transferred to other accounts.
- Once your credit is applied to an invoice it is non-refundable for cash or credit.